[–] jobes 3 points (+3|-0)

Mayonnaise in the Netherlands is required by the Warenwet (Wares law) of 1998 to contain at least 70% fat and at least 5% egg yolk before it may be called mayonnaise

Why do you have mayo laws in swamp germany, @boukert ?

[–] Boukert 3 points (+3|-0) Edited

Mayo in NL is big. Unlike lesser civilizations we use it with our fries, instead of ketchup wich is clearly for peasants.

Hence if you order a portion of fries at your local snackbar you can have either mayo or "frietsaus" (fry sauce) which is a lighter variant mayo.

We also serve curry, peanutsaus, unions and a few other sauces with fries or even a mixture of em.

Potato culture runs deep in the swamp!

[–] Dii_Casses 2 points (+2|-0)

Mayo in NL is big. Unlike lesser civilizations we use it with our fries, instead of ketchup wich is clearly for peasants.

Can confirm. It tasted different (i.e. actually good) from the mayo I'm used to.

Potato culture runs deep in the swamp!

Joppiesaus-flavored potato chips were amazing and I am sad I can't find any over here.

[–] jobes 2 points (+2|-0)

Does your mass produced mayo have soybean oil as the #1 ingredient? That would explain a lot