I've always been a bit of a shitposting cunt who likes a bit of shock humour. Some tragedies are easy to make light of and exploit for meme shock.
The Manadlay Bay meme springs to bring.
The CHCH mosque memes feel too soon. I don't mean 'too soon' in a lightheaded sense to be that guy either. It feels genuinely uncomfortable. I thought about saving some, but even that feels wrong.
I've never felt this way about any terror attack. I am honestly shocked that it did happen here. It's a shame to be in a place where that thing didn't happen at all. We've had more terror attacks from the French than from Muslims. I feel like this is the start of something much more worse. Some Jihadi prick is seeking revenge right now, I bet.
40% of British Muslims want to introduce Sharia law. 38% of Muslims surveyed in 16 major Muslim countries believe suicide bombings and attacks on civilians are justified at least some of the time. Read through some of the other statistics.
The majority may condemn terrorism, but does that really help much when ~10% completely support suicide bombings and groups like ISIS and ~40% at least have sympathies for those causes? Would we be equally apologetic if 10% of the country were Nazis and 40% were sympathetic for the cause? Let's be consistent in our condemnation of extremism and intolerance.