I've always been a bit of a shitposting cunt who likes a bit of shock humour. Some tragedies are easy to make light of and exploit for meme shock.
The Manadlay Bay meme springs to bring.
The CHCH mosque memes feel too soon. I don't mean 'too soon' in a lightheaded sense to be that guy either. It feels genuinely uncomfortable. I thought about saving some, but even that feels wrong.
I've never felt this way about any terror attack. I am honestly shocked that it did happen here. It's a shame to be in a place where that thing didn't happen at all. We've had more terror attacks from the French than from Muslims. I feel like this is the start of something much more worse. Some Jihadi prick is seeking revenge right now, I bet.
The statistics in your link show that most Muslim countries have lower approval of attacking civilians than Americans do. Also they didn't specifically say 40% of British Muslims support sharia law, they said 60% do not but didn't break down the other 40% of the poll. It's possible that entire percentage said yes to sharia law but it's also possible that only a small portion want sharia law to the extent of some Middle Eastern countries.
National Socialism, or Nazism, isn't a comparable example to this debate since it isn't a religion. And I condemn their actions, as well as the actions of any extremist group; however, I don't say all Germans were evil when it was Nazi Germany. The world isn't simple enough to pigeonhole large groups (millions or higher) of people into good or evil. Are there some groups that can be put into one category or the other? Most definitely, but it's usually a minority of the overall group.