Posting from a consolidation site isn't "spamming." It is a collection of authors who all contribute to many sites, including that one.

I know that these articles have more than 5 words and no videos, so they are worthless to you, but they can be thought provoking to us who like to think.

Have you ever even read one of those articles that you and your alts or cohorts downvote? You don't have to answer, I know you don't.

Posting from a consolidation site isn't "spamming.

Posting the same site over and over, even when it becomes clear that it is not wanted, is spam.
I am familiar with the site. It is garbage. It makes Brietbart or Huffpo look balabnced. That's probably what users don't like it.

so they are worthless to you

You insult me and cry like a bitch, but I just know you're going to accuse me of being the immature one again.
Self-reflection, look it up.

your alts or cohorts downvote?

Alts? You are going to accuse me of using alts? I guess that's what happens when you judge others by your own standards. You must think everyone is an angry sock-puppet.

From the article (which you DID NOT READ, because, you know, it has all these words, not a single cat video!!!). Tell me, which of these is a bad thing that is SO horrible the entire site must be banned from here?

  1. TV news is not what happened. Rather, it is what someone thinks is worth reporting. While viewers are often inclined to take what is reported by television “news” hosts at face value, it is your responsibility to judge and analyze what is reported.

  2. TV news is entertainment. There is a reason why the programs you watch are called news “shows.” It’s a signal that the so-called news is being delivered as a form of entertainment. Although the news items spoon-fed to you may have some value, they are primarily a commodity to gather an audience, which will in turn be sold to advertisers.

  3. Never underestimate the power of commercials, especially to news audiences. In an average household, the television set is on over seven hours a day. Most people, believing themselves to be in control of their media consumption, are not really bothered by this. But TV is a two-way attack: it not only delivers programming to your home, it also delivers you (the consumer) to a sponsor.

  4. It is vitally important to learn about the economic and political interests of those who own the “corporate” media. Even those “fake” news outlets denounced by Trump are enjoying significant sales and ratings boosts as a result of Trump’s so-called war on the media. In other words, to a dying news industry, the Trump presidency has been great for business.

  5. Pay special attention to the language of newscasts. TV by its very nature manipulates viewers. One must never forget that every television minute has been edited.

  6. Reduce by at least one-half the amount of TV news you watch. Do not form your concept of reality based on television.

  7. Watching TV news gives the illusion of participation in American life. Americans should beware of letting others—whether they be television news hosts, political commentators or media corporations—do their thinking for them.

[–] cyclops1771 [OP] 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

So, I am providing users here of a unique perspective that otherwise had not been provided, and to you, that is spam. Others would claim it is expanding the knowledge base. It's akin to bring out the 8th grade primer when we are all used to the 7th grade one and you throwing a hissy fit that there is NEW THINGS in here!!!.

The site contains articles from award winning journalists like Robert Fisk. It is very anti-establishment, and you calling it "garbage" means, to me, that it is worthy of continuing to post. Anything that pisses you off is worth doing over and over and over again.

So, I am providing users here of a unique perspective that otherwise had not been provided, and that is spam.

When it is not wanted, yes. Who are you to tell me what I should be exposed to?

It's akin to bring out the 8th grade primer when we are all used to the 7th grade one.

Except that 'Counterpunch' is 'Where's Waldo'. You are not above the other users. You are surrounded by your betters here.

Anything that pisses you off is worth doing over and over and over again.

Naturally it's all about you and what you want. Phuk the other users and their desires, right?

and you calling it "garbage" means, to me ..

Nobody cares what it means to you. Nobody cares what you think.
The users have rejected it, and you. So don't be a spammer.