It would be on a separate page (opt-in, I don't want to murder batteries) and users could get XP (to remove captchas earlier, etc) or some of those spots credits to draw dicks on the canvas.

What do you guys think about that? We're currently testing that here.

EDIT: Use this one now. This one keeps track of how much everybody has contributed

It would be on a separate page (opt-in, I don't want to murder batteries) and users could get XP (to remove captchas earlier, etc) or some of those spots credits to draw dicks on the canvas. What do you guys think about that? We're currently testing that [here](https://polsaker.com/miner/). EDIT: [Use this one now](https://dev.phuks.co/miner). This one keeps track of how much everybody has contributed


[–] Hitler 0 points (+0|-0)

I was going to report that the button is not working when I realized that I added coin-hive.com to uBlock Origin some time ago.

[–] xyzzy 1 points (+1|-0)

How the fuck is this slower on a modern processor with twice the cores than on a processor from several years ago?

[–] Polsaker [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

Tried increasing the thread count?

[–] xyzzy 1 points (+1|-0)

I did, it didn't scale as expected. I suppose one thread less than the CPU supports should get the max performance, so the OS and browser has one. But an old 8350 still has better rates(around 120) than a Ryzen(about 100).

[–] smallpond 1 points (+1|-0)

If we start mining while logged in; can we log out while the process is running and still get the credit?

[–] Polsaker [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

Yes. As long as you don't refresh the miner page.

[–] smallpond 1 points (+1|-0)

Maybe I should just say what I'd like: to be able to mine coins using my username, but not have my account logged in and my username on display in the browser window for several days.

[–] Polsaker [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

Nope, that's not possible for now, but I guess someone could make a userscript that hides your username and logs you out in the background

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

I'd like to be able to earn enough XP to mount a hostile takeover of s/Cabbage.

[–] seeking_virtue 4 points (+4|-0)

I haven't been following the cryptocurrencies, but if you think you can generate value, I'll help.
My system gets used hard for short bursts. So I've got decent power that spends much of the time idling Cookie Clicker.

[–] smallpond 6 points (+6|-0) Edited

I like the idea of it being something we can opt into, and another independent statistic displayed associated with each user account.

I don't like the idea of it altering the XP score or giving users any other special rights compared to those who don't have spare CPU cycles. (While I'm also happy for an XP score to be displayed I think this is a terrible way to determine user privileges, just as voat's CCP score is.)

Just keeping track of how much each user has mined with their account is enough to motivate people to contribute in this way.

I don't like the idea of it altering the XP score or giving users any other special rights

I don't think Xp gives any additional rights, once past the initial validation period(captcha). All the stuff he's talking about is decorative.
I agree with you that users should not gain any rights or special abilities. But I think meaningless points, and custom flair, is a great idea if it adds some motivation, or makes the contributors happy.

[–] smallpond 5 points (+5|-0)

XP is relatively innocent now, but I'm trying to think ahead to the future if Phuks does well, and isn't as laid-back and friendly as it is now.

Voat has found a need to restrict 'hostile' users and uses CCP-based popularity to do so. I'm concerned that XP will be one-day be used to separate privileged users from others, merely because you don't really have any other measure available to use in this way. (I've made suggestions of alternatives in the past.)

I like statistics, and XP measures the sum of up and downvotes on all posts and comments - it's nice to see that number. (Only some users seem to have been gifted 1000 XP as well, which perverts that, and already implies that it's used as a de-facto power level.)

[–] Polsaker [OP] 4 points (+4|-0)

XP was intended to game-ify Phuks a bit, and higher levels are only supposed to unlock cosmetic features (except for the captcha bit). That's why every badge gives XP on top of the sum of the user's score.

I think we'll settle for giving a badge to users who contributed a lot. That badge will give extra XP, just like every other badge

XP is relatively innocent now, but I'm trying to think ahead to the future if Phuks does well, and isn't as laid-back and friendly as it is now.

Very good point. And I think the devs here get it. Cosmetic rewards would be fine, if they keep that in mind.

Voat has found a need to restrict 'hostile' users and uses CCP-based popularity to do so.

That could be scary. Are they taking the hive-mind to the next level?

[–] pembo210 6 points (+6|-0)

Agreed on the XP/levels. Good catch. We'll have to make a new stat item.

Here's the new testing link that uses the username if logged in https://dev.phuks.co/miner

[–] Polsaker [OP] 5 points (+5|-0)

Yeah, you're right. We are planning on making a scoreboard of top "miners". we just added a little page on the dev site that will track how much everybody is mining

[–] smallpond 5 points (+5|-0)

You should include 'anonymous' contributions on the scoreboard too.

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