It would be on a separate page (opt-in, I don't want to murder batteries) and users could get XP (to remove captchas earlier, etc) or some of those spots credits to draw dicks on the canvas.

What do you guys think about that? We're currently testing that here.

EDIT: Use this one now. This one keeps track of how much everybody has contributed

It would be on a separate page (opt-in, I don't want to murder batteries) and users could get XP (to remove captchas earlier, etc) or some of those spots credits to draw dicks on the canvas. What do you guys think about that? We're currently testing that [here](https://polsaker.com/miner/). EDIT: [Use this one now](https://dev.phuks.co/miner). This one keeps track of how much everybody has contributed


I haven't been following the cryptocurrencies, but if you think you can generate value, I'll help.
My system gets used hard for short bursts. So I've got decent power that spends much of the time idling Cookie Clicker.