[–] Boukert [OP] 2 points (+2|-0)

VVD 31 41 -10

PvdA 9 38 -29

PVV 19 15 +4

SP 14 15 -1

CDA 19 13 +6

D66 19 12 +7

ChristenUnie 6 5 +1

GroenLinks 16 4 +12

SGP 3 3 0

Partij voor de Dieren 5 2 +3

50Plus 4 2 +2

Denk 3 - +3

Forum voor Democratie 2 - +2

[–] Skyrock 2 points (+2|-0)

PvdA must have done something very wrong to take such a fall.

[–] Boukert [OP] 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

PVDA = labor / centre left . They where in the coalition together with the VVD over the last 4 years. During those some unpopular budget cuts and descisions where made to counter the crisis.... These didn't go down well with their left voters. The whole cabinet had a lot of critisism as it took NL 2-3 years longer then GER and FRA to come out of the crisis.

With multiple options on the left, voters jumped ship to other parties and mainly the Greens, Groenlinks (+12) and Liberal centre, D66 (+7)

VVD = liberal right, also got punished, but there are less options on right then on left. think out of their 10 loss 6 went to Christian right, CDA and 4 to populist Wilders.

For many voters, voting Wilders is one bridge to far, and general sentiment was Rutte handled the Turkey crisis very well and dignified. So he cashed some last minute coins on that whole kerfuffle.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

I'm curious, with so many parties, is there anything like a libertarian party? Something where they want to cut all budgets and let people do whatever​ they want?

For any others who are mostly ignorant of Dutch politics, but interested in how the freedom party (anti-immigration, pro-people), party did, VVD = Freedom party.

Since it is all about coalitions in the Netherlands, what level of influence does this give Them? If I understand right, getting the most votes doesn't mean much if enough of the other party's band together against them.

[–] Boukert [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

PVV = freedom party / wilders / populist right

VVD = PM Rutte / right liberals

Name of the game is getting 76 seats with a coalition. Biggest coalition party provides the PM (VVD) and no one is forced to work with any other party, no matter which party won.

To form a coalition with these results would need atleast a 4 party coalition looking at it.

VVD has made a strong statement not wanting to rule with PVV (they dropped the cabinet a few years back so there is old pain) and CDA didnt want to either so Wilders is benched to the opposition again.

So logically it would be VVD, CDA, D66 and a small 4th party

The formation circus will go full swing for the next weeks so we will see

There is no set time limit to complete the formation. Usually its done in a few weeks. with 4-5 parties it usually takes longer especially since neither the right or left has a majority. I'd guess 6-8 weeks based on earlier formations.

Belgium had big problems forming a coalition a few years back, took them 1,5 years then https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2007%E2%80%9311_Belgian_political_crisis

OK, my mistake. They still did alright, but not as well as I thought.

It's a confusing system you use, but seems to be far more democratic than what we have in the Americas.

I wish Canada would start using coalitions. We're a dominantly left leaning population that ends up with a conservative government as often as not because of our less than representative system.
Note that when I say left, it is closer to a European style left and less like the authoritarian left that has infected the American Democratic party. But we are sliding that way.

Our current Liberal (TM) overlords promised electoral reform, but that was just a lie to get into office.

I am becoming so jaded. I want the best for you because I would love to see someone end up with a mature and democratic representation.

Good luck.

[–] Boukert [OP] 2 points (+2|-0)

It's a lot better then the two party dictatorships in the Americas in my opinion.

  • The system represents minorities

  • promotes cooperation

  • is 100% democratic

  • offers nuance

  • if you disagree with a party you voted on, you can switch to a likeminded party instead of having to walk over the line towards the other side.

It also has drawbacks:

  • we do not directly choose our PM

  • With cooperation and coalition come compromises

TBH I am happy Wilders didn't win big, I was dreading this. Imagine how the Turkey crisis would go if Wilders would be the PM versus Erdogan....

I also like being in the EU and see the tremendous profits for a trading country like ours in an open bordered EU. Leaving will cost us so many $ it would wreck us.