PVDA = labor / centre left . They where in the coalition together with the VVD over the last 4 years. During those some unpopular budget cuts and descisions where made to counter the crisis.... These didn't go down well with their left voters. The whole cabinet had a lot of critisism as it took NL 2-3 years longer then GER and FRA to come out of the crisis.
With multiple options on the left, voters jumped ship to other parties and mainly the Greens, Groenlinks (+12) and Liberal centre, D66 (+7)
VVD = liberal right, also got punished, but there are less options on right then on left. think out of their 10 loss 6 went to Christian right, CDA and 4 to populist Wilders.
For many voters, voting Wilders is one bridge to far, and general sentiment was Rutte handled the Turkey crisis very well and dignified. So he cashed some last minute coins on that whole kerfuffle.
I'm curious, with so many parties, is there anything like a libertarian party? Something where they want to cut all budgets and let people do whatever they want?
VVD 31 41 -10
PvdA 9 38 -29
PVV 19 15 +4
SP 14 15 -1
CDA 19 13 +6
D66 19 12 +7
ChristenUnie 6 5 +1
GroenLinks 16 4 +12
SGP 3 3 0
Partij voor de Dieren 5 2 +3
50Plus 4 2 +2
Denk 3 - +3
Forum voor Democratie 2 - +2