Could you tell me how to set up my GPU?

Maybe. If you've got an nvidia card, then use this

It works pretty close to the same as regular xmrig but uses the gpu instead. You can run them at the same time.
The command line that I use:

xmrig-nvidia --print-time=15 -a cryptonight -o stratum+tcp://bas.phuks.co:8888 -u x -p InnocentBystander --max-gpu-threads=???

Number of threads will vary depending on what your hardware is, and what else you're doing. But it can handle more threads than a CPU.

[–] xyzzy 1 points (+1|-0)

I now have 1300 to 1400 H/s on the CPU. xmrig-nvidia won't compile since I only have gcc 6 and 7 and it supports 5 at most.

Also I'm very interested in your last tab.

What type of cpu do you have?
I'm only getting 300h/s on an i7-6700k.
Granted it's windows, and not a custom compile, but still.. 1.4Kh/s from cpu is impressive.

Unless I'm doing something wrong, which is often the case.

[–] xyzzy 1 points (+1|-0)

I have a Ryzen 1800X, running 7 threads with the -lite algorithm. Clocked at stock 3.6GHz IIRC.

I also use the binary and didn't compile it.

[–] smallpond 3 points (+3|-0)

I increased from 150 to 570 using my CPU, by using the cryptonight-lite algo.

Not sure if that's cheating...

[–] pembo210 2 points (+2|-0)

cryptonight-lite won't work, switch back

Why did it seem to work when xyzzy and I tried it?
Shouldn't it reject the hashes? It accepts them.

[–] pembo210 2 points (+2|-0)

our phuks thing accepts hashes from both because it can be used as a middleman for a few different coins, but the pool we forward them onto will only accept the normal ones for monero.

[–] InnocentBystander [OP] 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

Holy Shit!!

I just went from 500+h/s on the gpu, to 1000+h/s. I didn't think to try cryptonight-lite.
New combined speed of ~2Kh/s.

To the top!

Edit: Did the same with the cpu miner, also at 1kh/s now

[–] pembo210 2 points (+2|-0)

cryptonight-lite won't work, switch back

That's disappointing. Too bad Monero doesn't support it, the increase in speed was substantial.