[–] InnocentBystander [OP] 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

Holy Shit!!

I just went from 500+h/s on the gpu, to 1000+h/s. I didn't think to try cryptonight-lite.
New combined speed of ~2Kh/s.

To the top!

Edit: Did the same with the cpu miner, also at 1kh/s now

[–] pembo210 2 points (+2|-0)

cryptonight-lite won't work, switch back

[–] xyzzy 2 points (+2|-0)

Dammit, it will run the whole weekend on my work computer since it needs a load test again.

[–] smallpond 0 points (+0|-0)

I hope you're confident that your employer won't notice/mind, or you are the employer.

There is the potential for being crucified for stealing power. I decided it wasn't worth the risk in my case.

That's disappointing. Too bad Monero doesn't support it, the increase in speed was substantial.