[–] pmyb2 0 points (+0|-0)

Yeah I am pretty sure voat's days are numbered. Putt is either not putt or he is done with voats shit.

[–] NoBS 6 points (+6|-0)

The goatbots are manipulating the characters of Putt and ATKO into religious figureheads. This is quite pathetic and sad.

The best way to destroy open dialogue of politics is to make it religious so emotional dependence can retard critical thinking.

To align personal beliefs into a political mob speak is how the enemy divides the same political ideology and fractures common ground.

This is more evil than up front lies or doxxing the innocent.

[–] jsac 8 points (+8|-0)

i have over 3 yrs on voat.. same name... i have begun distancing myself from it.. i have noticed the tone has been changing there for the past yr. current events have me munching popcorn and waiting to see how it plays out. fuck all this drama btw....

[–] Violentlight 14 points (+15|-1)

It is never a good sign when they want to lay praise for someone no matter what. Your not allowed to even criticize Putt.

You try to talk about it though, and your a shill.

[–] Boukert 3 points (+3|-0)

Only blind loyalty will suffice, I remember when the word "critical user" started getting thrown around like it was a swearword.....

[–] Sarcastaway 2 points (+2|-0)

Your not allowed to even criticize Putt.

I don't know about that. There have been several threads in the last week where putt-bashing has been a borderline circlejerk for free points. Though, maybe things have changed in the last few days.

[–] AOU -9 points (+1|-10)

You're still butthurt after your failed attempt of mutiny in a system sub to protect spammers.

Your opinion regarding voat is as valuable as a whale fart.

[–] Violentlight 7 points (+8|-1)

Ahh yes. Disagree with the "norm" and your opinion becomes worthless. Productive.

[–] NoBS 5 points (+6|-1)

The same tactics used in the Mob Brigades that silence opposing views with personal attacks.

AOU requires touchy-feely personal attacks to justify its childish opinion. A typical snowflake who graduated school yard bully 101.

I suspect public education indoctrination and lack of a "Male" father figure. Faggots and bull dykes make piss poor dads, present society is a glaring example.

Due to this, I'm starting to believe the "honeypot" theory more and more. Mainly due to the large amount of Putt and Atko shills

[–] Sarcastaway 4 points (+4|-0)

No doubt voat a honeypot of some sort, but this almost seems more like damage control by the voat team, or some other shill army that is heavily invested in the tools and accounts they use to manipulate the platform. If it was actually run by feds, I can't imagine why putt's account would have changed character so drastically, and all but encouraged the userbase to leave. I just don't think feds would be that sloppy.

Based on the lefts' ability to meme and online presence coupled with how the feds have fucked up and covered up in the past, I would not put sloppiness past the feds, much less a small branch of them attempting to control narrative on a site dedicated to free speech.

Damage control or not, Voat no longer seems like it is for free speech, but likewise controlling their own narrative and policing what they believe as "wrongthink."

[–] Sarcastaway 1 points (+1|-0)

If it was the feds, the part I have the most trouble accepting is their need to be involved with the administration at all. I think a mix of "radical" undercover fed accounts and a wiretap on the voat servers would give them all the functionality they could ever need from the platform.

Make no mistake, I believe voat is crawling with feds of every type, I just think they're more about surveillance and entrapment. Maybe in the case of the CIA or NSA they might try to sway popular opinion, but even that would be best done with sock accounts and an army of bots to manipulate vote totals (IMO).