[–] AOU -9 points (+1|-10)

You're still butthurt after your failed attempt of mutiny in a system sub to protect spammers.

Your opinion regarding voat is as valuable as a whale fart.

[–] Violentlight 7 points (+8|-1)

Ahh yes. Disagree with the "norm" and your opinion becomes worthless. Productive.

[–] NoBS 5 points (+6|-1)

The same tactics used in the Mob Brigades that silence opposing views with personal attacks.

AOU requires touchy-feely personal attacks to justify its childish opinion. A typical snowflake who graduated school yard bully 101.

I suspect public education indoctrination and lack of a "Male" father figure. Faggots and bull dykes make piss poor dads, present society is a glaring example.

[–] AOU -2 points (+1|-3)

Because trying to change to the rules to protect your spammers is productive. Got it.

[–] NoBS 1 points (+2|-1) Edited

Any rule that makes censorship feel reasonable requires some phucked up indoctrination to make it stick.

Only free will can make any abuse of censorship work. Glad to see such a dedicated workers on goat.

I just hope goats don't phuck this site over so we have a reddit v3.0 upgrade from voat Censorship Mobs of Mods.