[–] Violentlight 14 points (+15|-1) 7 years ago

It is never a good sign when they want to lay praise for someone no matter what. Your not allowed to even criticize Putt.

You try to talk about it though, and your a shill.

[–] AOU -9 points (+1|-10) 7 years ago

You're still butthurt after your failed attempt of mutiny in a system sub to protect spammers.

Your opinion regarding voat is as valuable as a whale fart.

[–] Violentlight 7 points (+8|-1) 7 years ago

Ahh yes. Disagree with the "norm" and your opinion becomes worthless. Productive.

[–] NoBS 5 points (+6|-1) 7 years ago

The same tactics used in the Mob Brigades that silence opposing views with personal attacks.

AOU requires touchy-feely personal attacks to justify its childish opinion. A typical snowflake who graduated school yard bully 101.

I suspect public education indoctrination and lack of a "Male" father figure. Faggots and bull dykes make piss poor dads, present society is a glaring example.

[–] AOU -2 points (+1|-3) 7 years ago

Because trying to change to the rules to protect your spammers is productive. Got it.