I can't think of a better place to put this, but I wanted to share that I am home again.

The ride home was torture and I am in an exceptional amount of pain. Ow!

Fortunately, I have an RN on duty and I have liquid dilaudid for breakthrough pain. Unfortunately, I get to pick my dosage (to some extent) and I opted for a minimal dose. It is a long story but let's just say that addiction is a major concern and I keep my dosing to a very minimal amount. (0.5 mg dilaudid by IV.)

I can't think of a better place to put this, but I wanted to share that I am home again. The ride home was torture and I am in an exceptional amount of pain. Ow! Fortunately, I have an RN on duty and I have liquid dilaudid for breakthrough pain. Unfortunately, I get to pick my dosage (to some extent) and I opted for a minimal dose. It is a long story but let's just say that addiction is a major concern and I keep my dosing to a very minimal amount. (0.5 mg dilaudid by IV.)


[–] TheBuddha [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

LOL In about 5 months, I managed to write some 200,000+ words for the playguitar.gq site. A novel is, according to Wikipedia, just 40,000 words. So, I wrote 5+ novels worth - and I've still got shit to say.

But, yeah... I will ensure you get a copy in PDF. That will be free for folks to download and they can donate, or not. Any donations can just go to the hospital (probably - though I may choose a different charity). I will also find a way to do print copies that people can buy. I have ordered custom books before, so I will find a way to do it again.

The thing is, I don't actually think of myself as a good writer. I get loads of compliments and all sorts of people like my writing style, but I am a lazy, inefficient writer with difficulties with regards to remaining on topic. My verbosity is actually indicative of my poor writing. I don't do brevity because I am just not that good.

[–] Owlchemy 2 points (+2|-0)

Yeah, same here, when I write up my stories I generally start off, wander here, wander there, and then bring them back for the big finale - LOL. Often I'll need to get them back on track several times before I ramble to the moral of the whole story. So there's that. But like you, those who read my stuff do seem to enjoy it. I try my best to add humor along the way to keep it interesting. And, of course, due to an overinflated ego, I am generally the hero. But hell, I deserve it.