We're well into the point where just about everybody is seeing the effects of the spread of this disease. How's this affecting you and your social or family circles?

I might re-play this discussion in a couple weeks to a month. This is going to change over time and I expected society to change as a whole over this event.

We're well into the point where just about everybody is seeing the effects of the spread of this disease. How's this affecting you and your social or family circles? I might re-play this discussion in a couple weeks to a month. This is going to change over time and I expected society to change as a whole over this event.


[–] traveler 0 points (+0|-0)

After 2 weeks of isolation, I feel improved; no longer distracted by all the external stimulation; fake success (non essential business). Probably because: US small business bottomed in 2016. Owners who held on, worked for peanuts, in the hole for 3 years.

For You - it's elegant technologies without traditional business burdens. You are the success, of the day!

As for outside: big cities are war zones, small town are oblivious, travel is dangerous, and the rules keep changing.

A wise man once asked me, Why does someone always have to die? Maybe, to get our attention. Look up.

[–] traveler 1 points (+1|-0)

This is Monday 1 of our 2-week shutdown; grocery items are still plentiful; gas is under $2; most people are stocking up and continuing on with work.

Local and franchise restaurants are going to close soon. Some big corporations are closing (Disney gives 2 weeks paid vacation to some workers); Groceries and Walmart are booming; small businesses will continue until they are forced to close; medical/ pharmaceutical will be the last hold outs, and if you are sick, they recommend you self treat, at home.

Cities are beginning to shut down Parks and Recreation (no unattended children in parks); public events are being done online (no live spectators). Everyone seems to be adjusting and taking it all in stride. Peace.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

Not at all, actually. The the media hype has scared people into panic, but that the only thing of significance I've noticed.

[–] Boukert 0 points (+0|-0) Edited
[–] E-werd [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

Not sure if you mean actual coffee or smoke. I like to think you're trying to smoke out the virus though.

[–] PHUK_IT 1 points (+1|-0)
  • At work, I'm self employed and work in the off season peddling booze..... so unfortunately I should be employed till the end of times.

  • My kids schools will close Tuesday. They're are already going the cyber-school route that many other districts are moving towards right now.

  • My kid's hockey and softball has been cancelled.

  • Toilet paper is available but not the brand I prefer... I'm certain I'll survive.

  • Sports are done and i could care less.

[–] Justintoxicated 0 points (+0|-0)

Besides the market terrors (buy opportunity) and supermarket hoarding the only real thing I've noticed is that places are making an effort to get/stay clean and people are a lot more conscious of coughing/sneezing.

[–] OeeThaGreat 1 points (+1|-0)

Everyone else is losing their freaking minds and rushing to the store for toilet paper and hand sanitizer. I have been living my day to day life like nothing has happened. We have around a months worth of canned goods and alcohol stashed away, so we are sitting pretty good.

The funniest part is that we haven't even had a case in our area, but because our moron Governor called for a state of emergency and cancelled school for 3 weeks, everyone is panicking and buying paper to clean their buttholes.

[–] traveler 2 points (+2|-0)

At first glance, it seems the average american is not paying attention to this; they think its just another virus; shut it down for 2 weeks and everyone will sit on the couch and take that long deserved extended vacation; just like they see on the screen.

Happy spring break 2020 - Comfy Couch Time

At best, this could be a new form of government shutdown; it won't seem so bad; it will be done for our protection; that can work; right?

[–] Dii_Casses 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

Work might be a bit slow; hard to tell. Box of 12 travel-size hand sanitizers sold out in two days instead of 6 months, and we were shorted on the replenishment delivery.

I would swear it has already burned through my social circle about three weeks back; half of the employees at my work were down and out in rapid sucession, and another friend had the same thing a week later.

[–] asg101 5 points (+5|-0)

I'm good. Retired, INTP, live in a cannabis-legal jurisdiction, with all the home-grown I can consume.


[–] jobes 4 points (+4|-0)

My kitties and I are comfortably stocked to last a few months indoors if needed. Luckily a grocery store near me went out of business about a month ago so I stocked up on pasta, rice, beans, tomato juice, tomato sauce, canned tuna, frozen veggies, frozen fruit, oats, etc before panic hit. Also already had a good stock of TP, paper towels, water filters, kitty litter, kitty food, coffee, tea, vitamins, iodine, and whatnot.

Largest effect though is my brother (roommate) is with my parents in florida and they are considering not flying back amid CoronaChan's presence, so I might not see them for a while.

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