We're well into the point where just about everybody is seeing the effects of the spread of this disease. How's this affecting you and your social or family circles?

I might re-play this discussion in a couple weeks to a month. This is going to change over time and I expected society to change as a whole over this event.

We're well into the point where just about everybody is seeing the effects of the spread of this disease. How's this affecting you and your social or family circles? I might re-play this discussion in a couple weeks to a month. This is going to change over time and I expected society to change as a whole over this event.


[–] jobes 4 points (+4|-0)

My kitties and I are comfortably stocked to last a few months indoors if needed. Luckily a grocery store near me went out of business about a month ago so I stocked up on pasta, rice, beans, tomato juice, tomato sauce, canned tuna, frozen veggies, frozen fruit, oats, etc before panic hit. Also already had a good stock of TP, paper towels, water filters, kitty litter, kitty food, coffee, tea, vitamins, iodine, and whatnot.

Largest effect though is my brother (roommate) is with my parents in florida and they are considering not flying back amid CoronaChan's presence, so I might not see them for a while.