We're well into the point where just about everybody is seeing the effects of the spread of this disease. How's this affecting you and your social or family circles?

I might re-play this discussion in a couple weeks to a month. This is going to change over time and I expected society to change as a whole over this event.

We're well into the point where just about everybody is seeing the effects of the spread of this disease. How's this affecting you and your social or family circles? I might re-play this discussion in a couple weeks to a month. This is going to change over time and I expected society to change as a whole over this event.


[–] PHUK_IT 1 points (+1|-0)
  • At work, I'm self employed and work in the off season peddling booze..... so unfortunately I should be employed till the end of times.

  • My kids schools will close Tuesday. They're are already going the cyber-school route that many other districts are moving towards right now.

  • My kid's hockey and softball has been cancelled.

  • Toilet paper is available but not the brand I prefer... I'm certain I'll survive.

  • Sports are done and i could care less.