[–] himmler -1 points (+2|-3)

It seems very SJW.

I made a post asking if anyone on this site was aware that the holocaust is a lie. It was deleted. The holocaust is a lie. It never happened.

Fun fact: When the sjws who own this site delete your post you don't get a notification. It just goes away. There is no mod log.

This place is just a bunch of eurofags circlejerking to how enlightened they are while muslim invaders burn their world down around them.

This comment will be deleted by the admin once they see it.

[–] fusir [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

You may have a skewed perception of what an SJW is. I don't like SJWs either but no one here is one. Just because your only effort in life is to make websites as shitty as possible doesn't mean people have to agree with you.

You are why putt hasn't fixed the site. He's tired of being a slave to morons. You aren't even familiar with what Voat used to be. Putt signed on as admin thinking he would be creating that. This place is real voat culture.

[–] oddjob 3 points (+3|-0)

The sub log shows that Bretodeau deleted your post for 'TOS violation'. I assume they are referring "Posting content of any kind that incites discrimination, hate or violence towards one person or a group of people because of their belonging to a race, religion or nation is strictly prohibited".

You might could try an argue that its not actually advocating discrimination, hate or violence, but I think a lot of users here left Voat because they didn't care to keep hearing about jews.

[–] PMYA 2 points (+2|-0)

I deleted that post. It was not specifically the holocaust denial, I left a post linking to a video about it up. It was the content in the text post also, I can't remember the exact phrasing now.

@himmler we have obligations to remove content due to the TOS of our hosting provider. In contrast to Reddit, we have been very transparent about this. If this is something that's a dealbreaker for you, that's just how it is. As other admins have already pointed out, the site is open source and anyone can host their own version if that's something they want to do.

[–] himmler 0 points (+1|-1)

I think a lot of users here left Voat because they couldn't silence things they didn't like to hear.

And stating that The holocaust never happened and that jews did 9-11 (or is mossad all of a sudden a christian organization?) is not "inciting" shit. Basically this is minireddit. All of the sjw speech suppression, just without the corporate cock gobbling (that will come).

[–] E-werd 3 points (+3|-0) Edited

I can't speak for everybody, but that's only partially accurate. It's clear that you're not looking for a discussion and just looking to shit on what we've got over here., but I'll project better intentions onto you.

I left Voat because I was tired of hearing the same arguments hashed and re-hashed over and over again. In fact, they weren't even arguments. They were circlejerks. Constant circle jerks about the fats, the blacks, the jews, Soros, whoever the target du jour was. It was all of this "us vs them" shit, and that gets really old.

I'm not looking to fight. I'm not looking for new enemies. If I wanted that, I'd still be at voat posting opposing opinions.

I'm looking to talk and meet new people. I want to see and hear new ideas, new sights, novelties. Not the same shit over and over, personal interests notwithstanding.

[–] Mattvision 1 points (+1|-0)

I had an Ancap sub for a while, and I remember someone else had a Libertarian sub. I don't know about the other guy, but I stopped posting there because the atmosphere of this community didn't seem all that into politics, and that's fine. Great, even.

There is still the occasional thread where politics comes up, and it's usually mostly civil, but you don't see one hit the front every day.

[–] Schreiber -1 points (+1|-2)

I'm more concerned with the fact that this place feels so empty.

[–] Boukert 12 points (+12|-0) Edited

Our origins lie in a textbased strategic roleplaying game on voat. We where basically "the chessclub" and encouraged critical thinking, debating, humor and reasoning. Not spamming opinions, re-chewing the same shit and circlejerk frenzying. We don't shun a hefty debate but we know politics don't define your personality. Things are not black or white, "with or against us"; you might differ on opinion about Trump, but bond over cats, guns, cars, hentai, fluffersex, feet fetish, aquariums or whatever. Much like voat was before the mass exodus of banned hatesubs on reddit.

The fact that most of our admin team and regulars are globally spread makes this a relatively easy process.

[–] E-werd 3 points (+3|-0)


...go on?

[–] AlkaiserSoze 3 points (+3|-0)

I'm at work so I will not pursue a websearch of such a phrase..

..But I too wish to know more.

[–] Boukert 2 points (+2|-0)



(plural fluffers)

Agent noun of fluff; one who fluffs.

(pornography) One who arouses male pornographic actors before filming.

(UK) One who is employed to clean the tracks in the tunnels of the London Underground.

chose your fetish!

[–] PMYA 6 points (+6|-0)

The way I approach Phuks is I post things that interest me, whether it be news or some niche hobby, and even though the community may be too small to have a large number of people already interested in it, we interact enough on a regular basis to be open to discussing it or learning about it.

I don't give a shit about guns. I live in a country that does not have them, and I would prefer it stayed that way, but I think it's pretty damn cool that other people are interested in them and have a place to post about it.

[–] jobes 1 points (+1|-0)

I post things that interest me


[–] PMYA 1 points (+1|-0)

Is it wrong to want to fall asleep listening to Korean girls munch on chicken for hours at a time?

[–] pembo210 6 points (+6|-0) Edited

It's been a link and discussion aggregator for a few dozen regulars for a while. We are from a dozen different countries, all with our own cultural taboos and discussion patterns. Sometimes things sounds harsh or raw when it's a translation issue, and sometimes we're just seeing if the other person will reeee for a second then we all laugh. We have a variety of political backgrounds and some damn awesome niche things floating around.

I think our culture is best described as just be real with each other. If you say something ridiculous, you'll get called out and we'll figure out what's going on. We all get stressed and we all blow up sometimes, but in the end, we're all in it together.

[–] E-werd 14 points (+14|-0) Edited

It hasn't been very political traditionally. Some political news, sure, but certainly not dedicated to it. The group that's created Phuks is generally pretty weary of over-politicization of everyday life and looking to see some more diverse stuff.