[–] himmler -1 points (+2|-3)

It seems very SJW.

I made a post asking if anyone on this site was aware that the holocaust is a lie. It was deleted. The holocaust is a lie. It never happened.

Fun fact: When the sjws who own this site delete your post you don't get a notification. It just goes away. There is no mod log.

This place is just a bunch of eurofags circlejerking to how enlightened they are while muslim invaders burn their world down around them.

This comment will be deleted by the admin once they see it.

[–] fusir [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

You may have a skewed perception of what an SJW is. I don't like SJWs either but no one here is one. Just because your only effort in life is to make websites as shitty as possible doesn't mean people have to agree with you.

You are why putt hasn't fixed the site. He's tired of being a slave to morons. You aren't even familiar with what Voat used to be. Putt signed on as admin thinking he would be creating that. This place is real voat culture.