[–] oddjob 3 points (+3|-0)

The sub log shows that Bretodeau deleted your post for 'TOS violation'. I assume they are referring "Posting content of any kind that incites discrimination, hate or violence towards one person or a group of people because of their belonging to a race, religion or nation is strictly prohibited".

You might could try an argue that its not actually advocating discrimination, hate or violence, but I think a lot of users here left Voat because they didn't care to keep hearing about jews.

[–] himmler 0 points (+1|-1)

I think a lot of users here left Voat because they couldn't silence things they didn't like to hear.

And stating that The holocaust never happened and that jews did 9-11 (or is mossad all of a sudden a christian organization?) is not "inciting" shit. Basically this is minireddit. All of the sjw speech suppression, just without the corporate cock gobbling (that will come).

[–] E-werd 3 points (+3|-0) Edited

I can't speak for everybody, but that's only partially accurate. It's clear that you're not looking for a discussion and just looking to shit on what we've got over here., but I'll project better intentions onto you.

I left Voat because I was tired of hearing the same arguments hashed and re-hashed over and over again. In fact, they weren't even arguments. They were circlejerks. Constant circle jerks about the fats, the blacks, the jews, Soros, whoever the target du jour was. It was all of this "us vs them" shit, and that gets really old.

I'm not looking to fight. I'm not looking for new enemies. If I wanted that, I'd still be at voat posting opposing opinions.

I'm looking to talk and meet new people. I want to see and hear new ideas, new sights, novelties. Not the same shit over and over, personal interests notwithstanding.

[–] Boukert 0 points (+0|-0)

^ this and:

  • Voat managment being hardly involved in their own community

  • Voat starting to downsize on pages shown (suddenly limited to 20 pages), archiving of posts, eliminating search functions etc etc etc. due to financial reasons

  • When you speak out critisism about voat, managment, PV or just about anything that goes against the circlejerk hivemind you get piled on the shill/SJW/powermod/SRS heap and witchhunted.