[Do you remember that episode where spock wanted to explore his Asphyxia fetish?](https://media1.giphy.com/media/Ygw726yiEhYsg/200.gif)
[That was my second favorite favorite fetish next to an abnormally smooth Riker](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-wBkH7JRJEUA/Un2P6AmBHbI/AAAAAAAACZ8/JvhXM8o7Dts/s1600/ST+Insurrection+smooth.gif)
[Or his rape obsession with short Engineers!](https://media1.giphy.com/media/3rgXBLedWcfE1GaGI0/200.gif)
I gave Mr. Scott another glass of whiskey, and MRW after receiving payment
Also, ever have odd dreams that other strange dimensions exist?