You can actually buy medication now that specifically lowers your chance of catching aids - Truvada. I'm guessing the crowd that enjoys this jumped all over that so they could feel safer banging those whores bareback
You can actually buy medication now that specifically lowers your chance of catching aids - Truvada. I'm guessing the crowd that enjoys this jumped all over that so they could feel safer banging those whores bareback
I'm not actually able to decide if that makes it better, or worse.
I'm almost tempted to ask how you know this, but I'm not sure I want to know the answer.
I'm not actually able to decide if that makes it better, or worse.
I'm almost tempted to ask how you know this, but I'm not sure I want to know the answer.
There was actually a commercial for it when I was watching the new Venture Bros cartoon after midnight last week. I couldn't turn away because I was so repulsed by the commercial. It was like black guys joking about how they could go bang more people now that they're taking this.
There was actually a commercial for it when I was watching the new Venture Bros cartoon after midnight last week. I couldn't turn away because I was so repulsed by the commercial. It was like black guys joking about how they could go bang more people now that they're taking this.
It may take me some time to process that and come up with an opinion that is easily expressed in English.
Right now, the best response that I can offer is, "That's fucking retarded."
I'm actively refusing to ask the question of, "What kind of people do this?!?"
I mean, beyond retarded people. I'm pretty okay with fetishes. That one is just plain fucking retarded.
You can put on a gimp costume, handcuffs, and have someone lock you in the basement for weeks while you starve and you defecate in your gimp suit.
I won't even bat an eye. Hell, I'll probably even be genuinely interested in your answers to my many, many questions. Shit, I'd probably even invite you to a party or two. I'd like to think of myself as pretty understanding.
Sticking your unprotected dick into a hooker is just fucking retarded. I'm hard pressed to even think of a historical period when it was not retarded.
As such...
That one is gonna take me a little while to process. This is definitely new information and I'm not actually sure I want to look deeper into it.
That's like Brittany Spears' nudes. I'm not even morbidly curious.
If I fortify myself with enough intoxicants, I'll Google it.