Do you think black people should be forced to bake burning cross cakes for klansmen?

Do you think Jews should be forced to bake swastika cakes for neo-nazis?

Should the Muslim baker be forced to draw muhammad fucking a goat if I want to celebrate the day Trump dropped a MOAB?

This is not discrimination and is not comparable to something like the fair housing act.

The very notion of using the govt. to force someone else to do work for you is akin to slavery.

When you protect individual rights you protect group rights.

So now they're after the baker once more b/c he didn't want to bake a tranny cake b/c of whatever his religious beliefs are.

Pay close attention to the wording in this article. He never refused to sell anyone a cake. He refused to make one to those specifications.

A nazi goes to buy a house that has the star of david painted on it. He wants the house but doesn't want it as is. Is the nazi being discriminated against b/c he can't force the jew to paint over it for him so the house is to his specifications?


The straight gigolo refuses to suck the dick of the gay client that walks into his brothel. By this logic the gay guy was discriminated against b/c he didn't get his blowjob.

It's this simple. It works for me. It works for you.

edit : changed bottom link to the Gadsden Flag as I accidentally linked the article twice leaving it out.

Do you think black people should be forced to bake burning cross cakes for klansmen? Do you think Jews should be forced to bake swastika cakes for neo-nazis? Should the Muslim baker be forced to draw muhammad fucking a goat if I want to celebrate the day Trump dropped a MOAB? >This is not discrimination and is not comparable to something like the fair housing act. The very notion of using the govt. to force someone else to do work for you is akin to slavery. >When you protect individual rights you protect group rights. So now they're after the baker once more b/c he didn't want to bake a tranny cake b/c of whatever his religious beliefs are. >Pay close attention to the wording in this article. He never refused to sell anyone a cake. He refused to make one to those specifications. A nazi goes to buy a house that has the star of david painted on it. He wants the house but doesn't want it as is. Is the nazi being discriminated against b/c he can't force the jew to paint over it for him so the house is to his specifications? https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/acts-of-faith/wp/2018/08/15/baker-claims-religious-persecution-again-this-time-after-denying-cake-for-transgender-woman/?utm_term=.93739b746d28 The straight gigolo refuses to suck the dick of the gay client that walks into his brothel. By this logic the gay guy was discriminated against b/c he didn't get his blowjob. [It's this simple. It works for me. It works for you.](https://imgoat.com/uploads/00da03b685/138561.jpg) edit : changed bottom link to the Gadsden Flag as I accidentally linked the article twice leaving it out.


[–] smallpond 1 points (+1|-0) 7 years ago

I'm not saying that I disagree with the Baker refusing, but the actual cake asked for seems relevant/interesting:

In June 2017, Colorado lawyer Autumn Scardina called Masterpiece Cakeshop to request a custom cake that was blue on the outside and pink on the inside.

The occasion, Scardina told the bakery’s employees, was to celebrate her birthday, as well as the seventh anniversary of the day she had come out as transgender.

Looks like the 'tranny cake' was basically just a pink cake with blue icing, that people probably wouldn't think twice about without the accompanying transgender story.

[–] Hitchens 1 points (+1|-0) 7 years ago

She also placed the order on the day the Supreme Court decision came down.

I don’t like this whole cake mess or the outcome of the court case but this seems like she’s just looking for trouble and public outrage.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0) 7 years ago

It's absolutely silly and I actually think the baker is a cunt w/ a money allergy personally. In my mind his reasoning doesn't really matter. It's about requiring only one specific group to cater to another. There's no shortage of ideologies and beliefs in the world. The problem w/ deeming something like this discriminatory is that there isn't equality and there's no end. I'm sure at some point in the past 40 years some priest would have argued that the very mention of gay marriage is hate speech and discrimination against the church. I'm sure in his mind he would have been right. Would we even be having the conversation if an orthodox priest who requested an offensive bible quote referencing homosexuality as a sin from a gay baker b/c this weeks sermon is about that particular sin? That's the list that will never end as their is no shortage of ideologies or assholes in the world. By doing this you ask the government to instill a hierarchy of victimhood. Whichever group can think up more ways to be offended exerts wins as they'll be able to leverage the govt more effectively against other groups. The very notion breeds inequality.

The beauty of something like the fair housing act is that everyone has the same simple set of rules that serve the rest equally well. It promotes equality by not letting one group dictate where another can live. It preserves the individual rights of all. Key word being individual.

When you approach the problem on a specific group by group basis you inevitably create constantly shifting inequality between groups. It really ties in well w/ Jordan Peterson's thought on enforced pronoun usage.


The bottom line is there's no law against following beliefs that cause no actual harm to others. Let's face it though. This guy is famous now and the cake was always a shit test b/c it came w/ a story. Had he made it there would be social media posts everywhere about hows he's a hypocrite and jokes that he prefers trannies. He's getting harassed. Amazing how the LGBT community never tries this someplace like Dearborn Michigan.