[–] jobes [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

As it turns out, the Kochs don’t have much in common with conservatives. They are in fact totally opposed to most conservative policy goals. The Kochs are libertarian ideologues. They’re passionate and inflexible about what they believe.

America First — the Kochs finds the very notion of that absurd, if not fascist.

And economic policy that seeks to strengthen families — the Kochs denounce that as quote, “crony capitalism” or picking winners and losers. They think it’s immoral, and they’ll tell you so.

Controlling our borders — the Kochs consider that racist. A few years ago, in fact, Bernie Sanders noted that the Koch brothers are far to the left of him on immigration, open borders quote, “That’s a Koch brothers’ proposal,” Bernie Sanders said, and he was right.

[–] moot 2 points (+2|-0)

That's actually pretty crazy

[–] jobes [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

I dated a normie lefty girl once a long time ago who couldn't stop complaining about the Koch brothers simply because of their donations to elected Republicans.

tfw the Koch brothers are further left than she was