Cheap and free loans is part of the reason college costs have ballooned. No incentive to keep it affordable if people are willing to sign up for these outrageous loans.
Cheap and free loans is part of the reason college costs have ballooned. No incentive to keep it affordable if people are willing to sign up for these outrageous loans.
I don't know why people want free university. Interest-free loans are fair enough. Flat-out free university is just a wealth transfer from the poor to the middle-class who don't have problems funding it already.
The main problem of debt is during people's studies. Not after it. If people who earn $70k/year after university can't seem to be able to repay, that's not a problem of banks or the system. That's a problem of individual retardation.
Why should those who earn $70k annually get a bailout? It's not fair for the working classes.