[–] smallpond 1 points (+2|-1)

On behalf of the universe, I apologize for @InnocentBystander .

Thanks, but meh.

I've been on this forum stuff for 20+ years. I've seen it all, been called everything in the book. Sticks and stones and all that. I have a pretty tough skin when it comes to people being unreasonably caustic.

IB is probably just trying to protect "it's site". After being on voat and seeing how they treat new people, IB is a nothing burger in the face of that onslaught of assholery!

[–] smallpond 0 points (+0|-0)

Good to hear.

Voat's herds of assholes were empowered by CCP restrictions - I hope Phuks never goes down that path. No doubt Phuks will collect assholes as it grows, I just hope (locally) unpopular opinions will still be permitted and appreciated.