I didn't say 'world'. The world will carry on, but all empires come to a close.
This could be the American peak.

I really do think we have entered a period of decadence, that ultimately will lead to a downfall.
I'm just guessing at the timespan and peak though. It took Rome a thousand years to fall, we may have time.

[–] Owlchemy 2 points (+2|-0)

I can't disagree that it seems as if our civilization is on the decline. How long that takes, who knows ... I guess all I was trying to say is that everything is sensationalized nowadays. The sky is always falling and then it doesn't. It's that chicken little syndrome thing. An example from today's headlines ... something to the effect that because of the US Government shutdown an asteroid could sneak in without us seeing it coming. LOL - so! That's hardly something anyone should lose any sleep over. It all just gets ridiculous sometimes. I guess I just don't get what's so significant about 2018 that you feel the US is 'jumping the shark'.

I was trying to say is that everything is sensationalized nowadays

I can agree with that, and admit I was being a bit dramatic.
But that doesn't mean that that world isn't ending :)

what's so significant about 2018 that you feel the US is 'jumping the shark'.

Nothing specific, just that I feel he amount of disconnect and polarization in society is unsustainable, and still growing. I'm not predicting any Doomsday scenario (though I'm not ruling it out either), but a decline has always followed decadence in past.

[–] Owlchemy 3 points (+3|-0)

You do make a great point about the disconnect and polarization. In fact, personally I thing we're already in the midst of a 'cold' civil war, so to speak and it would take very little to push the right buttons and turn it into a hot mess. I also believe that not only politically, but in many areas of society, blatant corruption is becoming impossible to ignore.