I was trying to say is that everything is sensationalized nowadays

I can agree with that, and admit I was being a bit dramatic.
But that doesn't mean that that world isn't ending :)

what's so significant about 2018 that you feel the US is 'jumping the shark'.

Nothing specific, just that I feel he amount of disconnect and polarization in society is unsustainable, and still growing. I'm not predicting any Doomsday scenario (though I'm not ruling it out either), but a decline has always followed decadence in past.

[–] Owlchemy 3 points (+3|-0)

You do make a great point about the disconnect and polarization. In fact, personally I thing we're already in the midst of a 'cold' civil war, so to speak and it would take very little to push the right buttons and turn it into a hot mess. I also believe that not only politically, but in many areas of society, blatant corruption is becoming impossible to ignore.