Hrmm, @pembo210 have you seen this before, or should the platypus file a bug? I've only seen orientation issues when messing with the image on my phone.
@PhunkyPlatypus could you try another image host like,, imgoat, imgtc, or imgur and see if you have the same orientation issues?
Edit: clicking the image gives the correct layout on the image site, but the inline view is wrong and rotated
apparently catbox and imgur work, others can be off for some reason:
No clue why
In the morning I'll try out several different hosts but so far imgur is the only one that doesn't do it.
Although this is a new one.
Edit: it looks like I'll be using catbox.
Jesus fucking Christ, that's a creepy spin on nirvana, good work. If you got a sec, post a bug to for some image sites reporting the incorrect orientation for images you have posted. You'll get a badge to help your internet status.
I never touched the orientation after taking the picture. The weird thing is, I opened the picture in a new tab after uploading and it was vertical.
I really don't understand why this is happening.