What the shit. It loaded vertically on my phone. Why the hell is everything always sideways?!

[–] jobes 2 points (+2|-0)

Did you try rotating the image in a photo app on your phone? Whenever I did that out generally ends up uploading in the wrong orientation

I never touched the orientation after taking the picture. The weird thing is, I opened the picture in a new tab after uploading and it was vertical.

I really don't understand why this is happening.

[–] jobes 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

Hrmm, @pembo210 have you seen this before, or should the platypus file a bug? I've only seen orientation issues when messing with the image on my phone.

@PhunkyPlatypus could you try another image host like kek.gg, catbox.moe, imgoat, imgtc, or imgur and see if you have the same orientation issues?

Edit: clicking the image gives the correct layout on the image site, but the inline view is wrong and rotated