Oh thank you for reminding me what it was actually called. Tilt shift. I had no idea what to type into a search engine to figure that out!
Trains are awesome. Here's some [San Fran Tilt Shift](https://i.imgtc.com/fIZDCjq.jpg).
Back to you with [steam punk](https://cloud.netlifyusercontent.com/assets/344dbf88-fdf9-42bb-adb4-46f01eedd629/40cfb206-716d-49f8-ad3a-6c1433ba3b38/train.jpg)
Oh thank you for reminding me what it was actually called. Tilt shift. I had no idea what to type into a search engine to figure that out!
Trains are awesome. Here's some San Fran Tilt Shift.