[–] XorSwap 2 points (+2|-0)

Banksy is basically an edgy kid on facebook, except people like him for some reason. This art is unsubtle, boring, and essentially useless. I learnt nothing, thought no new thoughts, and didn't gain any understanding. I doubt banksy would be able to defend any of these blindingly obvious points under the slightest of questionings. I think maybe he uses his semi-anonymity as a crutch, allowing him to make a statement with no possibility of being challenged. The way in which his 'art' (a tragedy to even place it in that category) functions is truly the height of postmodernism. Banksy fails on all levels at creating art that has meaning to it; his art therefore lacks sticking power in the world and will be forgotten soon after he is gone.

TL;DR me no like him

[–] Mattvision 1 points (+1|-0)

His 'work' would make a lot more sense, and be way less pretentious, as political cartoons.

If he was in an interview, and he was asked about his thoughts on the increase of rapes and terror attacks across Europe caused by migrants, he'd tell them to wait an hour so he can paint an answer. He's using a complex format to convey the simplest ideas, and doing poorly at it.

I'm not sure what he's trying to say.
So I did some googling. I couldn't find any invasive African birds, but it looks similar to an European Starling. They are contributing to the decline of native birds and crops.

And then there's the pigeon. Also an invasive species, but has been here a lot longer, and has no negative impact on local species. Has even helped to stabilize and restore some local falcon species.

Is Bansky trying to rally us against the African immigrants?

[–] mamwad 3 points (+3|-0)

I don't think it's a European Starling. The tail feathers aren't right. It appears to be some type of swallow, known for their forked tails and migrations between Africa and Europe. The long tail feathers are indicative of a migratory species. I'm guessing that pigeons are representative of Brits.

Keep in mind that Banksy is British. Pigeons and European Starlings are both native species there. And, given his other political works, I doubt he's anti-immigrant. He seems to be showing us the insignificance and absurdity of our territorial disputes by equating us to animals.

I was looking at it from an American perspective, but your right that it would have made more sense in a European context. I think you may have taken my comment a bit more seriously than I did.

My only point was that sometimes these 'minor' differences are enough to cause the problems that people fear. It is not silly or ignorant to be cautious, or even fearful of an invasive species.
Some, but not all are dangerous. And caution must always be used if ecological disaster is to be avoided.