Saw a link on voat. Voat has turned into a bit of a shitpile that tears down nearly all communities. JustGrowIt is one of the few that has survived despite the negativity. I'm not too hip to reddit's censorship.

So what is this place about? What is the operational philosophy?

Saw a link on voat. Voat has turned into a bit of a shitpile that tears down nearly all communities. JustGrowIt is one of the few that has survived despite the negativity. I'm not too hip to reddit's censorship. So what is this place about? What is the operational philosophy?


[–] pembo210 6 points (+6|-0) Edited

hi, welcome. /s/justgrowit is here now.

operationally, we have 6 active admins in 6 timezones. Depending on who you talk to, some posts do get removed and are reee censorship, but really we're just tired of the whining and edginess on both sides. We started this place for us for fun. We pay all the bills and use no outside trackers or ads or sponsored posts.

poke around and let me know if you have any questions :)