Been going there a couple years, it's just not the same. We used to converse, sometimes argue but it was usually civil. Now it's just a popularity contest with who can say nigger the most. Anyway, I'm going to give this place a try hopefully I can chill here in my free time.

Been going there a couple years, it's just not the same. We used to converse, sometimes argue but it was usually civil. Now it's just a popularity contest with who can say nigger the most. Anyway, I'm going to give this place a try hopefully I can chill here in my free time.


[–] Greenseats 0 points (+0|-0)

I still love the idea of Voat. As a big free speech advocate, a (mostly) censorship free site with little heavy-handed moderation is what I want, but it just never really took off other than the hate subs. I was hoping after the election things would get back to normal, but it has gotten even worse. The non-political subs have slowed down to almost nothing. If it wasn't for Owlchemy, they would all be dead. I blocked so many subs, but even still the circle jerk spread into everything. I got tired of all the negativity and gave up. I wish them luck and hope the site stays up. There are still some good people posting over there and I could still have the occasional good conservation. I will probably check back in a few months and see if anything has changed. I'm glad I found this place. I recognized many old goats that I hadn't seen in a long time. This place has potential. The best thing is that even though there is much less content, the stuff I see is usually high quality. I don't have to sift through a bunch of stale, predictable nationalist posts to find something interesting.

[–] LockeProposal 0 points (+0|-0)

I know what you mean.

Nigger nigger (I win, you only said it once).

[–] Justintoxicated 0 points (+0|-0)


Please join our ProtectPhuks posse so we can go around harassing small sub owners to make ourselves feel big. All you need to join is a sack full of doorknobs.

[–] skymod 7 points (+7|-0) Edited

Yeah, me too. I remember 2 years ago thinking Voat had so much potential. I stayed there so long hoping the community will shift from altright to neutral. When I realized thats not going to happen, I started contributing less and less.

That place is by far more of an echo chamber than Reddit.

[–] PhunkyPlatypus 5 points (+5|-0)

The fattening was the beginning of the end.

Up until that point it was a wonderful place, then it started the downward spiral into who can be the biggest edgelord.

It's a great example of what happens when a small community gets flooded by a loud obnoxious group.

Sometimes I miss voat. I mean, Amalek hasn't threatened my families life in nearly a year now.

[–] pembo210 6 points (+6|-0)

Once you get a few more votes, the captcha goes away and you can create new subs. Also, Some of the music/video subs have a video player in the sidebar that converts the youtube posts on the page into a playlist.

[–] Polsaker 7 points (+7|-0)

Oh, I remember the ol' times, when I kind of played modernpowers.

[–] Mattvision 7 points (+7|-0)

Welcome! You won't have to worry about being shouted down here for your opinions.

Unless you think the Earth is round, get the fuck out of here with that.

[–] Boukert 9 points (+9|-0)

Exactly the reason why we made his place, welcome aboard!

[–] TheRedArmy 8 points (+8|-0)


I have mostly the same outlook as you. I post interesting things I like and see what others have posted, and try and contribute where I can, although I don't always.

The best and most interesting posts are always the ones that involve some conversation between those of us on here. I always read those threads, and usually enjoy everyone's own outlook on things.

I own Libertarian and Military on here, and also mod ParadoxPlaza. Feel free to contribute to any of these and anywhere else you like. Not that I'm any kind of authority.

Hope to see you around more and I hope you enjoy your time here.

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