Been going there a couple years, it's just not the same. We used to converse, sometimes argue but it was usually civil. Now it's just a popularity contest with who can say nigger the most. Anyway, I'm going to give this place a try hopefully I can chill here in my free time.

Been going there a couple years, it's just not the same. We used to converse, sometimes argue but it was usually civil. Now it's just a popularity contest with who can say nigger the most. Anyway, I'm going to give this place a try hopefully I can chill here in my free time.


[–] TheRedArmy 8 points (+8|-0)


I have mostly the same outlook as you. I post interesting things I like and see what others have posted, and try and contribute where I can, although I don't always.

The best and most interesting posts are always the ones that involve some conversation between those of us on here. I always read those threads, and usually enjoy everyone's own outlook on things.

I own Libertarian and Military on here, and also mod ParadoxPlaza. Feel free to contribute to any of these and anywhere else you like. Not that I'm any kind of authority.

Hope to see you around more and I hope you enjoy your time here.