When replying to the 2017 finance report (4 months old) the comment will not submit. I assume it is because it is old but no such feedback is given.

My idea I was posting there:

It would be cool to know what the cost of running the site / http request is.
I've always wanted to know what I cost a website just for the sake of curiousity.

When replying to the 2017 finance report (4 months old) the comment will not submit. I assume it is because it is old but no such feedback is given. My idea I was posting there: It would be cool to know what the cost of running the site / http request is. I've always wanted to know what I cost a website just for the sake of curiousity.


[–] Dismal_Swamp 1 points (+1|-0)

I wanted to know how much it cost to keep Voat going. Where was that money coming from?

[–] THC 0 points (+0|-0) Edited

Merch and donations I read your comment as a phucks question I don't know about Voat, haven't been there in over a year