We've been discussing about changing the voting system and make it as follows:

  • Everybody can give a limited amount of phuks ("votes")
  • Each user gets sqrt(LEVEL) "votes" per hour
  • A user can have up to LEVEL+10 "votes"
  • Nobody can downvote until X condition is met and a certain badge is given
  • A downvote would cost the same as two upvotes

An example: I'm level 15, so I get 3 votes per hour and I can have up to 25 votes at any time. It takes 9 hours to get 25 votes at 3/hr, so if in those 9 hours I spend my 25 votes, I can still get more for the rest of the day (at 3/hr, up to 72 per day, being level 15).

We've been discussing about changing the voting system and make it as follows: - Everybody can give a limited amount of phuks ("votes") - Each user gets sqrt(LEVEL) "votes" per hour - A user can have up to LEVEL+10 "votes" - Nobody can downvote until X condition is met and a certain badge is given - A downvote would cost the same as two upvotes An example: I'm level 15, so I get 3 votes per hour and I can have up to 25 votes at any time. It takes 9 hours to get 25 votes at 3/hr, so if in those 9 hours I spend my 25 votes, I can still get more for the rest of the day (at 3/hr, up to 72 per day, being level 15).


[–] PMYA 5 points (+5|-0)

I think a posting limit is a bad idea. One of the things we want is more content, and posting restrictions will definitely put new users off.

InnocentBystander made a good point in his reply to me above, and now I am siding with the idea of limiting downvotes more than the upvotes.

Regarding user privs like global spam cleaning, there is a hierarchy task on Phab at the moment. None of the levels have been assigned privileges yet, but I think it could be an ok idea if it's done in the right way. It would be a helpful feature, but I also think giving away too many privs or giving them to too many people could be a shitshow. Just look at what the mods on Reddit are doing, and they only have the ability to remove posts on certain subs.

[–] ashekchum 4 points (+4|-0) Edited

Post limit is mostly anti spam and it's kept pretty high perhaps make subs you mod not count in the limit.

You should post preposed levels there, and powers.

[–] E-werd 3 points (+3|-0)

perhaps make subs you mod not count in the limit.

I like it!