Edit: Title was autocorrected

Remove the downvote option on a persons user page.

Noticed today when I clicked on a phukers user page you can view their post history. Next to their posts is the downvote/upvote option. Maybe that feature should be removed from the persons user page as it could be easily used as a way to downvote a user into oblivion very easily and quickly. Currently phuks is wonderfully drama free and maybe I suffer from post voat fatigue syndrome but my first thought when I saw that was how it could be used for harm.

Edit: Title was autocorrected Remove the downvote option on a persons user page. Noticed today when I clicked on a phukers user page you can view their post history. Next to their posts is the downvote/upvote option. Maybe that feature should be removed from the persons user page as it could be easily used as a way to downvote a user into oblivion very easily and quickly. Currently phuks is wonderfully drama free and maybe I suffer from post voat fatigue syndrome but my first thought when I saw that was how it could be used for harm.


[–] PMYA 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

How would this work in relation to post sorts? I think downvotes can curb the popularity of cheap posts. What I mean by this is that there is a kind of post that is upvoted purely because it caters towards the lowest common denominator, the vote count does not reflect the quality of the post (which, ideally, should be its only function). When this happens, I think the progress of the post moving up /s/all can be halted or reversed by downvotes.

For the same thing to happen without downvotes, you would need to intentionally vote up other posts higher than the bad post. It also goes without saying that it plays a role in reducing spam visibility too.

Edit: I don't think this is even a factor at the moment because these kind of posts aren't made on phuks, and people don't downvote anyway, but its still something to consider

You got thrown off by the title I think.
I don't think removing them entirely is being suggested. Just the arrows on the user pages.

[–] PMYA 3 points (+3|-0)

Oh what the fuck.

The post content did not load for me, I refreshed and its there. My comment didn't post either, the submit button kept doing nothing.


There had been two posts, one got deleted.
I think you tried to reply to the one that got deleted, while you were writing your reply.
Not a bug.