I imagine its more work than it would be worth but it would be nice to have up to date headlines that match their stories. It would have to be optional and a record should probably be kept of past headlines so there isn't the old correcting the record going on (and its a shame archive doesn't have an api). But since you can grab headlines, have it do that automatically every hour or something for 24 hours or so.

I imagine its more work than it would be worth but it would be nice to have up to date headlines that match their stories. It would have to be optional and a record should probably be kept of past headlines so there isn't the old correcting the record going on (and its a shame archive doesn't have an api). But since you can grab headlines, have it do that automatically every hour or something for 24 hours or so.


[–] xyzzy 1 points (+1|-0)

Sure it would be a nice feature, but it's Phuks, not reuters.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

but i imagine they want features that aren't available on reddit or voat. of course i have an overactive imagination.