[–] PMYA 2 points (+2|-0)

Dark mode is best mode.

Also, we are changing the appearance of the site. It will probably look like this for a while though because everyone is busy at the moment.


[–] Violentlight 2 points (+2|-0)

I forgot to mention some of the other stuff the site has for ya. If you click on the gear on the right. Beside your mail icon. It will take you to settings. Here you can set it for NSFW to show up in your feed. You can enable Experimental features. One of the experimental features all/new updating live. So if you go to the front page. Click on "All New Posts", it will then update automatically anytime someone posts something. Regardless of the sub. Most of us view the site this way due to its current size.

Oh that's pretty sweet. Perfect for a small site. Here have some lesbo pr0n as gratitude for your helpfulness NSFW

Huh, no image expanders yet?

[–] Violentlight 3 points (+3|-0)

Sometimes I forget there is a day version of this site. Have you tried clicking the lightbulb on the right? Its beside the Log out button. You might like the night mode better.

Well shit. They are still easy to miss, but that does help a bit. Can't believe I forgot to turn off the lights. Thanks.