I can't stop playing Running With Rifles and I need something else to play before I go insane. I finished Owlboy recently, and whilst the art and soundtrack are both stunning, the gameplay is nothing special.
As far as new releases go, the only thing I can see myself playing is the new Walking Dead Telltale game. But I'm going to wait until all the episodes are out because having to stop and start all the time infuriates me.
Its funny you mentioned Nobunaga's Ambition. I recently found my copy of Kessen III (another Koei game about Nobunaga) on PS2 and have been playing through it again. It was one of the first strategy games I played, and it came out around the same time as Rome Total War. Both of those games made me start looking deeper into the genre.
I can't really play online due to my internet. Jobes and Boukert both play Dota I think, you should ask them.