LOL - they are self-destructive. Too many participation trophies!
I can't disagree with that we're self destructive. But that seems to be a symptom of a much larger issue.
We never asked for participation trophies. Personally I never valued the few that I was received and never quite understood it while I was young. It's the self entitled parents that demanded their little Timmy be the absolute best at everything, and if he didn't at least win something they can then show off and brag about, than it's a problem with the institution or whatever and not their beloved off spring.
Sorry, bit of a tirade there. My original point though was more along the lines of how millinials are blamed for the failure of products and businesses that were unable or unwilling to keep up with the times and adapt to a changing demand.
It's shit like "MILLINIALS ARE KILLING THE HOUSING MARKET!!!!11" that really irks me. It's because no one can afford to buy a house. Those that got an education are now facing crippling debt worth more than some houses. Others struggle to progress in a stagnant job market. Working a single minimum wage job puts you in poverty.
It's also a very legitimate chance I'll never see a single dime back from the 10's of thousands of dollars I've now paid into social security. There's indications that it simply won't exist anymore after 2050 or so. It's currently a wildly unsustainable projection, and congress just applies a bandaid and kicks the can further down the road. We're running out of road.
Er..... Kind of went off on another tangent now.
Well, there's a novel of my thoughts on the subject. Probably more than you bargained for when you initially replied lol.
Relax, I was just yanking your chain - LOL. I'm a babyboomer and we get slammed all the time for ruining 'everything'. I was just returning the favor, so to speak. As with my own generation, I believe there are good and bad no matter when you were born ... generalizing anything never works. There is no typical this or that based on when we were born, IMHO. We're all just folks with different life experiences. Who am I to say that one is better than another.
I would love to see a compiled list of everything people claim that millennial's have killed.
If you were to believe the news, they've single handedly wiped out every staple of american culture.