I started with this piece of AAA Sirloin tip Roast
Marinated with worcestershire sauce
Than patted the whole thing down with Montreal Steak Spice while adding my potatoes and onion pieces
last will come when it's done
I started with this piece of AAA Sirloin tip Roast
Marinated with worcestershire sauce
Than patted the whole thing down with Montreal Steak Spice while adding my potatoes and onion pieces
last will come when it's done
enough for my woman and I and some for our daughter. (she's 1, she eats a little bit of my chicken/beef roast in her pasta and sauce (trust that I cut that up into microscopic pieces, her moms Italian aka early pasta)... she's weighing in much above her level and she was a 2.5 pounds at birth!!!! she's now over 17 pounds at a year and a few weeks)
edit: i did
Did you make enough for the rest of the sub?
Looks great!