[–] jobes [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

I started these on Sunday and I'm trying something a bit different this time. Both jars have about:

  • 1L filtered water
  • 3tbsp sea salt
  • ~5 Persian cucumbers
  • Several fresh dill sprouts
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • Variety of spices (peppercorn, mustard seed, coriander)

The jar on the left has only been in the fridge and it is completely sealed. I shake it up a few times/day. This is supposed to be a "half-sour" pickle. If you've ever been to a Ted's Montana Grill, they serve this type as appetizers.

The jar on the right is fermenting on the counter at room temp. It has a glass weight to ensure the pickle are fully submerged and a 1-way release valve to release CO2 (can't seal a jar while fermenting).

I'll check on them Friday