tell that to new zealand and australia.
Before we get into the game of comparing Sweden with Norway, the UK with Spain, the US and Australia, California with Florida etc let's realize that this is obviously a multivariate problem and there is no single policy (masks, lockdowns, contact tracing) that leads to predictable, positive results. Single country comparisons and lessons don't necessarily translate into useful policy because it is a combination of all the factors in that country that drive outcome (e.g. population density, culture, genetics, climate, global connectedness, government policy, healthcare, luck), and the interaction of those factors is complex and a far bigger determinant of outcome than any single simple policy. It seems the countries that have had the best outcomes are isolated, remote nations (Australia/New Zealand/Taiwan/Pacific islands) or competent totalitarian states (China/Vietnam). Applying the policy from one of these places to another place won't work in the same way trying to grow grapes in Greenland won't work and it's stupid to just say "why don't they just put their plants out in the sun? We did that in Italy and it worked great. Those Greenlanders are just idiots and need to learn from our lesson." People know these kinds of univariate comparisons are dumb and that the covid situation involves many factors, but they still try to make these comparisons anyway. Why? Because they can cherry pick some points to support their POV. It's poor reasoning and logical thinking.
its also still not reasonable to make up your own story about who these people are and what makes them tick that suits your own political desires.
You say this like it's a bad thing. It's important to try to understand how people think and what's motivating them. I've given evidence from their own mouths about what they're doing, so it's hardly a case of I'm making up stuff. It's more absurd to just ignore what they're saying and keep repeating how great and trustworthy they are despite the evidence. Where is the evidence for what you say how they're doing the best they can? How could we even possibly know that? Your claim requires knowledge of their internal thoughts whereas mine do not. Let's talk evidence instead of speculation where you believe this and I believe that.
i'm not trying to say that everything that works in the corners of the world would work here, i'm trying to say your statement that "The leaders who did it best at least didn't give into the hysteria and shut everything down." that's patently false. all of the leaders across the globe who did it best all shut things down, name me a country that had a covid outbreak that is now largely under control that didn't shut down massively. they just, for a number of reasons, did a better job at actually controlling the populace so they achieved better results than we can.
how do you know any of the bullshit you spewed about them is real? because they are wealthy and you saw them talking on the boobtube? you are making stuff up about them and passing it off as fact. i'm not trying to say you shouldn't question their policies, i'm not saying they are always right or never lie. they are government workers who have likely earned their position by playing the politics game and are likely at least to some degree corrupt. still, they are our best option in moving through a public health emergency and they act on the guidance of less politically motivated groups.
its like being on a plane whose engine blew out when a bird got sucked into it on takeoff. do you blame the pilot and try to land the plane yourself or do you let the pilot do their job and sort out how they could have done better afterwards?
no, they definitely said numerous times during the press conferences last year that healthy lifestyle choices were the best defense.
tell that to new zealand and australia.
i'm not trying to say they are doing a perfect job but they are doing the best they can in a hard situation. its not reasonable to expect no push back but its also still not reasonable to make up your own story about who these people are and what makes them tick that suits your own political desires.