I see this shit every fucking god damned day. Why the fuck do you women go up to the checkout, get rung up, and then suddenly act surprised that you have to pay? You get the total price, pause, then take the mobile garbage bag off your shoulder and then waste everyone's fucking time searching for your wallet in a sea of crap.
Put the shit you are buying on the counter, then immediately grab your money/debit card while they are fucking ringing you up. Or how about having that shit ready before you check out? Quit wasting everyone's time.
And don't get me started on you women in the supermarket. You know who you are. You fucking park your cart on the right side of the aisle and then stand on the left side looking for your shit. You are blocking the whole fucking aisle.
Used to run a checkstand at my store. Longest order I'd ever had was some bitch who pretty much pulled a million gift cards off the shelf to buy for her 4 grandkids. The fucking stack was at least 6 inches high. She waited until she was at my lane to figure out who was getting how many of each card, and how much money was going to be on them. And some of the cards were for the same place, she just decided there needed to be two $25 chik-fil-a cards instead of a single $50 card.
Took me 30 minutes to go through all that. I had to shut the lane down so people wouldn't pile in and have to wait for her. And she gets bonus points for making me ring them up as four separate orders, so her credit card company got alarmed and deactivated her card before she could pay for the fourth one. Real brilliant genius right there.