Income and expenditures for the period Jan-Dec 2017.


Method Amount $$
Mining 1.47 XMR $550
Bitcoin donations 0.1025 BTC $1497(*)
Bitcoin Cash 0.0755 BCH $204
Merch - $12.07
PayPal donations - $102

Note: Cryptocurrency values are the current ones. We have gradually spent around 0.0464 BTC for hosting and domain renewals.


On what Amount
Hosting $385.80
Domains $37.75

Remember that you can help us afford hosting costs by donating!

Income and expenditures for the period Jan-Dec 2017. ## Income | Method | Amount | $$ | |-----------|-------------|----| | [Mining](https://phuks.co/miner) | 1.47 XMR | **$550** | | [Bitcoin donations](https://blockchain.info/address/1GibPhUKj93FmucGrNqGnohN5fG71chJs5) | 0.1025 BTC | **$1497(*)** | | [Bitcoin Cash](https://www.blocktrail.com/BCC/address/1GibPhUKj93FmucGrNqGnohN5fG71chJs5) | 0.0755 BCH | **$204** | | [Merch](https://www.redbubble.com/people/PhuksMerch/shop) | - | **$12.07** | | PayPal donations | - | **$102** | *Note*: Cryptocurrency values are the current ones. We have gradually spent around 0.0464 BTC for hosting and domain renewals. ## Expenditures | On what | Amount | |-----------|-------------| | Hosting | $385.80 | | Domains | $37.75 | Remember that you can help us afford hosting costs by [donating](https://phuks.co/donate)!


[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0)

Can you expand on how much merch was bought? I know at least two people who bought shirts so if it is more than that and 12 bucks is all the profit..

[–] xyzzy 3 points (+3|-0) Edited

Merch $12.07

Really? am I the only one with a Phuks T-shirt or is the markup so low?

I feel super cool now, because I own a rare shirt.

[–] Greenseats 5 points (+5|-0)

Phuks needs to get verified with Brave (https://brave.com/publishers/) so I can sent you BAT. I got 30 BAT (currently worth $13, but it just doubled in price) that they airdropped in my wallet this month (free money!) I'll send it all to you guys if you get verified. I don't think it takes much.

[–] pembo210 7 points (+7|-0)

We have enough to last another year plus room to grow the userbase and add some new features.

The more detailed report will be available after the first of the year when we finalize the books. Taxes are due April 15, so any input from users with tax prep experience will be appreciated. Looking forward to another great year with you phuks.