Income and expenditures for the period Jan-Dec 2017.


Method Amount $$
Mining 1.47 XMR $550
Bitcoin donations 0.1025 BTC $1497(*)
Bitcoin Cash 0.0755 BCH $204
Merch - $12.07
PayPal donations - $102

Note: Cryptocurrency values are the current ones. We have gradually spent around 0.0464 BTC for hosting and domain renewals.


On what Amount
Hosting $385.80
Domains $37.75

Remember that you can help us afford hosting costs by donating!

Income and expenditures for the period Jan-Dec 2017. ## Income | Method | Amount | $$ | |-----------|-------------|----| | [Mining](https://phuks.co/miner) | 1.47 XMR | **$550** | | [Bitcoin donations](https://blockchain.info/address/1GibPhUKj93FmucGrNqGnohN5fG71chJs5) | 0.1025 BTC | **$1497(*)** | | [Bitcoin Cash](https://www.blocktrail.com/BCC/address/1GibPhUKj93FmucGrNqGnohN5fG71chJs5) | 0.0755 BCH | **$204** | | [Merch](https://www.redbubble.com/people/PhuksMerch/shop) | - | **$12.07** | | PayPal donations | - | **$102** | *Note*: Cryptocurrency values are the current ones. We have gradually spent around 0.0464 BTC for hosting and domain renewals. ## Expenditures | On what | Amount | |-----------|-------------| | Hosting | $385.80 | | Domains | $37.75 | Remember that you can help us afford hosting costs by [donating](https://phuks.co/donate)!


[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0)

Can you expand on how much merch was bought? I know at least two people who bought shirts so if it is more than that and 12 bucks is all the profit..