Sedition is removing or overthrowing the government or enough officials so that the government cannot function.

It doesn't matter WHO does the removing. Sedition is sedition.

35 democrats left Texas to prevent the functioning of a government because they didn't have the power to stop republicans because they didn't hold a majority.

They committed sedition. Instead of doing their jobs, they left because they weren't in power and control.

Here's the kicker:

If it were Republicans who had done this, democrats would be screaming for blood nonstop. But because they're democrats, they won't be prosecuted.

Independents and republicans are taking notes. They're going to remember this. And they will beat democrats over the head with this as viciously as they can.

Sedition is removing or overthrowing the government or enough officials so that the government cannot function. It doesn't matter WHO does the removing. Sedition is sedition. 35 democrats left Texas to prevent the functioning of a government because they didn't have the power to stop republicans because they didn't hold a majority. They committed sedition. Instead of doing their jobs, they left *because they weren't in power and control.* Here's the kicker: If it were Republicans who had done this, democrats would be screaming for blood nonstop. But because they're democrats, they won't be prosecuted. Independents and republicans are taking notes. They're *going* to remember this. And they will beat democrats over the head with this as viciously as they can.


[–] PhunkyPlatypus 0 points (+1|-1)

Hey everyone I got an announcement to make, I'm a liar that can't be trusted.

That's for you and your silly point.

Anyways, the next person to reply to this comment sucks dicks for crack money.

Your move.

Look at that, trying to shame homosexuality. I am Jack's Complete Lack of Surprise.

Speaking of Fight Club, you should read the book. You might actually learn something.