You were nearly cogent. Good job.
You were nearly cogent. Good job.
You people need to get on the SDBH discord late at night. Drunk @Jobes is a reliable source of entertainment. Usually spirals into ranting about the venture bros being canceled, bailey jay, and vegetables.
If only I had time. I was doing a lot of file copies that I had to babysit yesterday so I had time to be online a lot but that's an exception to the rule.
I have irlen syndrome and light on dark physically hurts. Here's some examples of what I see when I read: I get all but blurry, seesaw, and star wars.
The fix for that is setting the background color to, primarily, any color except white or black. Specific colors work better (from person to person) than others. For example, the color that helps me the most is a cyan background.
It's quite annoying. I did ortho-k lenses to see if I would be fine with lasik. The answer was "not good enough for the risks."
That's what 6 gin and tonics will do to you. I don't even remember going online last night lol